Regex: complex number

Question: This is my regex for imaginary number:



It only accepts an imaginary number with a pure complex part.

When my parser is encountered, for example String im = "2i";

, it gets converted to String z = "complex(0, 2)" //complex(re, im)

- like this:

Matcher m = pattern.regex.matcher(exp);     //String exp = "2i + 5"

  String key =;                   //String key = "2i"
  int type = pattern.token;

   if(type == COMPLEX) 
    key = key.replaceAll("i", "");          // key = "2"
    exp = m.replaceFirst("");               // exp = "5"
    exp = "complex(0," + key +")" + exp;    //exp = "complex(0,2) + 5"

   return exp;


Is there any way to do this with a regex straight away? For example, any decimal number followed by the letter "i" is converted to another string - complex(0, number)



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1 answer

Here's an example of what you can try with String#replaceAll


// testing integers, comma-separated and floats
String test = "1 * 2i + 3.3i / 4.4 ^ 5,555i * 6,666 + 7,777.7i / 8,888.8";
       //| group 1: whole expression
       //| | any 1+ digit
       //| |  | optional comma + digits
       //| |  |       | optional dot + digits
       //| |  |       |         | final "i"
        "complex(0, $1)"



1 * complex(0, 2) + complex(0, 3.3) / 4.4 ^ complex(0, 5,555) * 6,666 + complex(0, 7,777.7) / 8,888.8



If the comma gets messy with your function expression (i.e. complex(0, 1,2)

could be a problem), you can:

  • remove that part of the template or
  • surround the backlink with some delimiter in replacement, eg. "complex(0, \"$1\")"



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