How to check how many elements of a particular type a page has with Chrome Extension Dev
I have a regular Chrome extension that I've looked all over the internet and nothing good has come up. I want to read how many elements of a particular type are on a page through my popup.js
Something like that:
Is it possible to do this with a command chrome.tabs
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1 answer
:"permissions": [ "tabs", "activeTab" ]
function countTags(tag, callback) { chrome.tabs.executeScript({ code: "document.getElementsByTagName('" + tag + "').length" }, function(result) { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError); } else { callback(result[0]); } }); }
countTags("div", function(num) { console.log("Found %i divs", num); });
can be replaced with syntaxquerySelectorAll(selector)
or jQuery if you are sure the tab is loaded with jQuery.
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