JQuery autocomplete does not display text values ​​but fills in elements

I have jQuery autocomplete which works fine, except that it does not correctly display the text values ​​returned by the function. My backend is ColdFusion.

Backend Function (in CFC):

<cffunction name="companyNameList" access="remote" output="false" hint="I return a list of companies with IDs" returnformat="JSON">
    <cfargument name="searchterm" required="false" default="" />

    <cfset var returnArray = arrayNew(1) />

    <cfquery name="companyNameList" datasource="#request.dsn#">
        SELECT companyID, companyName
        FROM tbl_companies
        WHERE companyName LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%#arguments.searchterm#%" />

    <cfloop query="companyNameList">
        <cfset companyStruct = structNew() />
        <cfset companyStruct['value'] = companyID />
        <cfset companyStruct['label'] = companyName />

        <cfset arrayAppend(returnArray,companyStruct) />

    <cfreturn returnArray />


My jQuery jQuery (it's wrapped in cfoutput tags, which requires a second hash mark as the escape value):

        $(function() {             
            source: function(request, response){
                    url: "secure/cfc/ajax.cfc?method=companyNameList",
                    dataType: "json",
                    data: {
                        searchterm: request.term
                    success: function(data){
            minLength: 3,
            select: function(event, ui) {


And the corresponding form block:

        <p class="ui-widget">
            <label for="defaultcompanyname">Default Company Association</label>
            <cfinput type="text" size="30em;" name="defaultcompanyname" id="defaultcompanyname" value="" />
            <cfinput type="hidden" name="defaultcompanyid" id="defaultcompanyid" value="0" />


When I use the type in 'test' as my test value, this is the JSON returned:

[{"value":2,"label":"Test Company"},{"value":3,"label":"2nd Test Company"}]


The list is filled, but it is filled with empty lines. If I choose one, the hidden default value will be filled with a number, but the default value for the empty space name is emptying my text. What am I missing?

EDIT: Updated the question with new information based on answers that partially resolved the original issue.


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1 answer

The simplest solution is probably to customize the JSON. jQueryUI expects data to be marked as

        "id": 2,
        "label": "Test Company"
        "id": 3,
        "label": "2nd Test Company"


Then change the method select()


select: function (event, ui) {


If you can't change the JSON try manipulating the method _renderItem()

, take a look at the sample source code in the docs .

Edit: look at the fiddle



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