Python for C # StongBox [Single]

I used IronPython to add a c # dll reference. I am trying to use a method in a DLL that requires a type argument:

out float tempValue


When I pass the python float object to the method, I get the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 20, in <module>
TypeError: expected StrongBox[Single], got float


My questions:

  • What is StrongBox [Single]
  • How can I create such an object in python to go to C # method.

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1 answer

To have the correct target for the out parameter, you need to explicitly create a clr reference ( StrongBox serves as that references / values ​​wrapper) in IronPython, since the out keyword on the caller side (in C # for example) is missing, which will allow you to do this ...

It might look like this:

import clr
import System
tempValue = clr.Reference[System.Single]()


Directly instantiating the StrongBox should work as well.

Remember that you can also use methods that only have parameters, without passing anything other than getting a tuple, as described here .



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