Acquiring SharePoint PowerShell Document Library Security Level Users

I am using SharePoint Web Services Access to collect site-level security users. SharePoint recognizes Active Directory security groups as users (not groups). I put together these pseudo groups with a SOAP request (see below) using SharePoint web services via http://{site}/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx


$uri = $context
$soap = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
$soap+= '<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">'
$soap+= '<soap:Body>'
$soap+= '<GetUserCollectionFromWeb xmlns="" />'
$soap+= '</soap:Body>'
$soap+= '</soap:Envelope>'
[xml]$WF = Invoke-RestMethod $uri -Credential $CRED -Method POST -ContentType "text/xml" -Body $soap

$Users = $WF.Envelope.Body.GetUserCollectionFromWebResponse.GetUserCollectionFromWebResult.GetUserCollectionFromWeb.Users.User


The above request is successful at the site and sub site level. But it does not keep pace at the level of the library, lists and documents.

Is there a resource via Web Service Access that reflects GetUserCollectionFromWeb at the library, list, and document level?

I am starting to rip my hair out trying to access this data.



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1 answer

You would use the Permissions web service available in /_vti_bin/Permissions.asmx


You can refer to the MSDN documentation on the permission service here .

The method GetPermissionCollection

will give you an xml snippet with members (by id) and permission masks.

You can use the People web service ( /_vti_bin/People.asmx

) to associate member IDs with actual people and groups.



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