Angular run 2 asynchronous calls at the same time, but don't process the second callback until the first one has finished

I am using the Angular $ q service to make asynchronous requests. I have 2 requests, for example (let's assume I have an Angular service named MyService that handles these requests):

MyService.Call1().then(function() {
    //do all the first callback processing here without waiting for call 2

MyService.Call2().then(function() {
    //wait for results of first callback before executing this


I have no guarantee that the second call will complete after the first, but I need the results of call 1 to do the processing in call 2. I understand that I could string the promises together, which means that call 2 waits for call 1 before the request completes. but I want to run both requests at the same time since I have all the data I need to do this What's the best way to do this?

Edit: I can immediately use the results of the first call. They give some diagrams on my page. I do not want the first call to wait for the second call to process it. I think it excludes mechanisms like $ q.all ()


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2 answers

An alternative to usage $q.all

would be to use the first promise in the handler for the second. for example

var p1 = MyService.Call1().then(function(data) {
    return processedData;

MyService.Call2().then(function(call2Data) {
    return p1.then(function(call1Data) {
        // now you have both sets of data


To address some of the comments, here you can handle errors / promise rejections without waiting for both promises to resolve or create multiple handlers catch


var p2 = MyService.Call2().then(function(call2Data) {
    return p1.then(function(call1Data) {
        // now you have both sets of data

// use `$q.all` only to handle errors
$q.all([p1, p2]).catch(function(rejection) {
    // handle the error here




You can make both calls in parallel with all

$q.all([MyService.Call1(), MyService.Call2()]).then(function() {
  // ...code dependent on both calls resolving.


Edit . In response to the comment, there are two things that might interest you. If you pass the array in all

, you will find the permissions array as the first argument to your function inside then

. If you pass an object in instead all

, you find the object as the first argument, with keys matching the same keys you passed in all


$q.all([MyService.Call1(), MyService.Call2()]).then(function(arr) {
  // ...code dependent on the completion of both calls.  The result
  // of Call1 will be in arr[0], and the result of Call2 will be in
  // arr[1]


... and with objects

$q.all({a: MyService.Call1(), b: MyService.Call2()}).then(function(obj) {
  // ...code dependent on the completion of both calls.  The result
  // of Call1 will be in abj.a, and the result of Call2 will be in
  // obj.b




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