Listening to an event in Dart via jQuery "on"

I am using Bootstrap Modal dialog in Dart via js interop. Everything works fine except listening for custom events. I am trying to listen to the "shown" event using the following code:

js.scoped(() {
  js.context.jQuery("#myModal").on("shown", new js.Callback.once(() {
    print("Dialog Shown");         


However, I am getting the following Dart error when the event is fired:

Class '() => dynamic' has no instance method 'call'.\n\nNoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'call'\nReceiver: Closure: (dynamic) => dynamic\nArguments: [Instance of 'Proxy']


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?



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1 answer

You are getting this error because the callback must have one parameter ( the docon

parameter takes a parameter eventObject

). Therefore, your code should be:

js.context.jQuery("#myModal").on("shown", new js.Callback.many((eventObject) {
  print("Dialog Shown");


Note also the use of js.Callback.many

instead of js.Callback.once

. The first allows the callback to be called multiple times.



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