SAPUI5 Cordova Launches Native Android Navigation
I wrote a javascript function that calls the built-in google nav for android from a cordova app, but I don't know what the declared cordona symbology I should be using to launch the nav app.
Launches navigation from SAPUI5 application with the following code
sap.m.URLHelper.redirect("google.navigation" + ":"+ "q=Ericusspitze 1, 20457 Hamburg");
When I use the following whitelist declaration (not recommended) in cordova config.xml
, the navigation app launches correctly .
<access origin="*" launch-external="yes" />
If I only use the following whitelist declaration in cordova the config.xml
navigation doesn't start
<access origin="google.navigation:*" launch-external="yes" />
<access origin="geo:*" launch-external="yes" />
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You are trying to whitelist targets, not just whitelist requests.
So add the following:
White list of network addresses
<!-- Access to the subdomain -->
<access origin="" />
<!-- Access to all the subdomains on -->
<access origin="http://*" />
so you can't use colon ( :
) to grant access to network requests
I believe you are trying to provide intent access. If it's true
Target whitelist
<!-- Allow geo: links to open maps -->
<allow-intent href="geo:*" />
Read more about cordova-plugin-whitelisting here
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