Using ng-repeat angular with filter to exclude empty value

I am trying to get non-empty items in my selection with help filter

, but that doesn't work as expected.

<select ng-model="">
    <option value="0">
        <%= res.getString("portlet.form.subjectField.default")  %>
    <option ng-repeat="sujet in subjects.allSubjects | filter:{name_fr:'!!'}" value="{{}}">



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will only filter out values null


If you want to filter out empty values, or both null

and empty, you must use a custom filter

<option ng-repeat="sujet in subjects.allSubjects | filter:notEmptyOrNull" value="{{}}">{{sujet.name_fr}}</option>



$scope.notEmptyOrNull = function(item){
  return !(item.name_fr === null || item.name_fr.trim().length === 0)




The filter you are using will only filter data that contains empty values.

To filter out empty data, you need to create a filter. This question has already been answered on Stack Overflow. Follow this link.

Angular - Filter to remove empty strings from array



You have to set the model such that angular picks the right option base for ngModel selection

<select ng-model="" ng-options=" as sujet.name_fr in subjects.allSubjects track by"></select>


And set the default id on the controller.

$scope.allSubjects = subjects;
$ = subjects[0].id;




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