Can I require a controller in a directive installed with ng controller?

I have (sort of) the following html:

    <div ng-controller="MyController">


what the controller looks like, it doesn't matter:

app.controller("MyController", function($scope) {
   $ = "bar";


and my directive looks like this:

function mySubDirective() {
        return {
            restrict: "E",
            require: "^MyController",
            link: function($scope, element) {

app.directive("mySubDirective", mySubDirective);


In the documentation, they always specify a different directive in require

-property, but it says that this means you need a controller. So I wanted to try this solution. However, I am getting the error

"The controller" MyController "required by the directive" mySubDirective "could not be found."

Is it not possible to request a controller from a directive if set by ng controller?


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2 answers

You can only do:

require: "^ngController"


So, you cannot be more specific than that, i.e. you cannot query "MainCtrl"

or "MyController"

by name, but it will get an instance of the controller:

.controller("SomeController", function(){
   this.doSomething = function(){

.directive("foo", function(){
  return {
    require: "?^ngController",
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl){
      if (ctrl && ctrl.doSomething){


<div ng-controller="SomeController">


I don't think this is a good approach, as it makes the directive very dependent on where it is used. You can follow the guidelines in the comments to pass the controller instance directly - this makes it somewhat more explicit:

<div ng-controller="SomeController as ctrl">
  <foo ctrl="ctrl"></foo>


but it is still too general and can be easily used by users of your directive.

Instead, output a well-defined API (via attributes) and pass references to functions / properties defined in the controller:

<div ng-controller="SomeController as ctrl">
  <foo do="ctrl.doSomething()"></foo>




You can use element.controller()

in the function links to check for the closest controller specified ngController

. The limitation of this method is that it doesn't tell you which controller it is. There are probably several ways to do this, but I prefer to call the controller constructor and expose it in scope, so you can useinstanceof

// Deliberately not adding to global scope
(function() {

  var app = angular.module('my-app', []);

  // Exposed in so can do "instanceof" in directive
  function MyController($scope) {}
  app.controller('MyController', MyController);

  app.directive("foo", function(){
    return {
      link: function($scope, $element){
        var controller = $element.controller();

        // True or false depending on whether the closest 
        // ngController is a MyController
        console.log(controller instanceof MyController);



You can see this at

However, this won't work if you have nested ngController

s and want to test the one that isn't necessarily the closest. To do this, you can define a recursive function to navigate to the DOM tree:

  app.directive("foo", function(){

    function getAncestorController(element, controllerConstructor) {
      var controller = element.controller();
      if (controller instanceof controllerConstructor) {
        return controller;
      } else if (element.parent().length) {
        return getAncestorController(element.parent(), controllerConstructor);
      } else {
        return void(0); // undefined

    return {
      link: function(scope, element){
        var controller = getAncestorController(element, MyController);

        // The ancestor controller instance, or undefined


You can see this at

For the docs reference, point out that the function controller

can be used to find controllers specified in ngController


By default gets the controller associated with the ngController directive



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