How to create a simple JSON Jersey 2.x RESTful web service on Glassfish 4?

I spent days trying to figure this out. All I want to do is create a simple web service to return POJO lists as JSON. Why is it so hard?

I start with this in my POM:



Here is my ResourceConfig:

public class ApplicationConfig extends ResourceConfig {

    public ApplicationConfig() {


Here is my resource:

public class GenericResource {

    private UriInfo context;

    public List<String> getJson() {

        List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
        return strings;


When I try to run it I get:

Heavy: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type = application / json, type = class java.util.ArrayList, genericType = class java.util.ArrayList.

I changed my ResourceConfig to try and use JacksonFeature:

public ApplicationConfig() {
    super(GenericResource.class, JacksonFeature.class);


And I am getting this error message:

Warning: StandardWrapperValve []: Servlet.service () for the servlet throws org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: WnsatisfiedResolutionException: W308 : Cannot resolve any beans to types: [org.glassfish.jersey.message.filtering.spi.ObjectProvider]; Bindings: [QualifierInstance {annotationclass = interface javax.enterprise.inject.Default, values ​​= {}, hashCode = 633679645}]

I've tried many different combinations of things in my POM. Bad luck. I have read the documentation in Jersey. Bad luck.

This guy says the Jersey documentation is crap and instead: . I tried it. Bad luck.

Does anyone have a really simple example of getting GF 4.x, Jersey 2.x, Jackson 2.x?


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2 answers

(per comment from @peeskillet) I replaced this:














I would recommend using DropWizard instead of using Jersey directly. DropWizard integrates things (Jersey, Jackson, logging, etc) and customization is a breeze. Alternatively, you might consider Spring Boot , unless using Jersey is a strict requirement.



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