Passing a parameter to a callback function

I need to pass a parameter to a callback function in Javascript, so I did the following, which creates an anonymous function as a string and then passes it:

var f = "var r = function(result) {do_render(" + i + ",,;}"
$.getJSON("analysis?file=" + getParameterByName('file') + "&step=" + i,r);


However, that doesn't sound like a great idea. Is there a better way?


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3 answers

There are several methods you can use to do this. One of them is to create a new function that "seals" one of the variables:

function myCallback(i, result) { ... }

function createCurriedFunction(i, func, context) {
  return function (result) {, i, result); }

for (i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
  var curriedFunc = createCurriedFuncion(i, myCallback, this);
  $.getJSON(url, curriedFunc);


The context is the object for which "this" will be referenced in the callback function. This may or may not be needed for what you are doing; if not, you can just pass null.

There is actually a function that does exactly what is called bind and is used like

var curriedFunc = myCallback.bind(this, i), which will seal off the first variable.




It looks like you are having problems with closing i

, and eval is used to solve this problem. Instead, just close it using an Immediately Callable Function (IIFE) expression like this:

    //create a closure of the value of i
    //so that it takes the immediate value of it instead of the end value
    //based on the assumption i is from a loop iterator
    $.getJSON("analysis?file=" + getParameterByName('file') + "&step=" + i,
})(i);//pass i into the IIFE in order to save its immediate value




You can just do

var url = "myurl";
$.getJSON(url, function(result){
    //callback function




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