How do I bind a model during an action?

I have a dynamic url processor

public ActionResult DynamicUrl(string slug = null)


this method works via slug (btw what does slug stand mean?) and works if the slug displays a product or searches for a product.

As part of a product search, I have a page = 1 querystring parameter.

E.g. /Womens/Dresses?page=2


I used to do this in a normal product search activity that associates a page request with the ProductSearch model.

public ActionResult Results(ProductSearchModel  searchModel)


How to bind a query string during an action? for example

public ActionResult DynamicUrl(string slug = null)
    ProductSearchModel psm = new ProductSearchModel();

    //Auto bind psm here.
    // E.g. Controller.BindModel(psm);


Hope I disagree with this.


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1 answer

Do you mean:



This will bind the current collection of forms to the specified model.

You can also use:



This version won't throw an exception if something doesn't work, and returns true

or false




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