Using link_with does not allow my project, CocoaPods 0.37

All my targets use the same libraries, so I use link_with to make my podfile neat. But to my surprise, the project is compiled. Xcode complains that it cannot find some files in the pod for example.

diff: /../ Podfile.lock: No such file or directory diff: /Manifest.lock: No such file or directory error: The sandbox is not in sync with Podfile.lock. Run "pod install" or update your CocoaPods montage.


'DDLog.h file' not found

I run pod install again and clear xcode over and over again. But no luck. I couldn't figure out why. From what I can see, cocopods only changed the shellScript for each target to one single, which is what link_with is supposed to do, right?

shellScript = "\"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-CloudPhone/Pods-"my target"\"\n";
shellScript = "\"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/\"\n";


Is this a cocopods bug? I am using the latest 0.37 and now I am back to specify each target individually.


CocoaPods 1.0 removed with_reference in favor of abstract_target


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3 answers

I think this is a bug in blocks. The codes do not update the script location when the project first sets the target configuration and then tries to merge it.

To fix this, go to Build Phases> Insert Framework → update the location of the script file to reflect the universal package folder (for example / Pods / [You can navigate in your search device to find where sh is present.] Remove any other script that is not reflected in the physical folder. The project should now compile.



Quick solution: uninstall Embed Pod Frameworks

and run againpod install

enter image description here



The same error occured. Just want to add to Sukitha Answer.

Go to the build phaseInsert pod infrastructure$SRCROOT

Make sure this SRSCROOT file links correctly to the file frameworks.h


You will need to edit to fix the problem.




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