GROUP BY clause ignores rows and data

As we know, the expression GROUP BY

returns data, ignoring duplicate data by specifying a specific one GROUP BY 'user_id'

, but I want to make it GROUP BY

ignore the table row, but I want to concatenate the data of that row in an array, which means I want all the data, but in the filtered row, I want something like

id | name | user_id
1    abc     20
2    trt     19
3    sdf     20
4    khg     22
5    fdf     20
6    lnm     22

id | name | user_id
1    abc,sdf,fdf     20
2    trt             19
3    khg,lnm         22



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2 answers

Use for this GROUP_CONCAT

. Try this query -

SELECT id, GROUP_CONCAT(name) name, user_id FROM students GROUP BY user_id


The GROUP_CONCAT function concatenates lines from a group into one line with different parameters.


To implement it in CakePhp -

$driverlocation_data = $this->DriverLocation->find(
     'fields' => array('id', 'GROUP_CONCAT(name) name', 'user_id')                                      




Try this query.

Select id, GROUP_CONCAT(name), user_id FROM table_name GROUP BY user_id


I used group_concat for the name column.



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