How to disable automatic update of PlayFramework Activator commands when creating a project?

When I want to use the activator command to create a project for each command, try updating it, for example

when writing (in CMD)

  • sbt (update all SBT libraries)
  • activator (update all playback libraries)
  • new my-first-app play-java activator (update latest template)
  • eclipse (new libraries needed to create eclipse project too !!!)

I want to build my project with current and standalone libraries (I only want to work with the latest standalone distribution)

enter image description here


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2 answers

Resolver can help you in this situation

resolvers + = ("Local Maven repository" in "file: ///" + Path.userHome.absolutePath + "/.m2/repository")

refer to this link



To disable update check when creating a new project on the Play platform, you can use these options as shown below:

 activator -Dactivator.checkForUpdates=false -Dactivator.checkForTemplateUpdates=false new


To be online on a permanent basis:
1- If you have installed SBT, add these parameters to.../conf/sbtconfig.txt



2- If you have not installed SBT, you can add options to %UserProfile%\.activator\activatorconfig.txt




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