Many-to-many relationship in Android-Realm (n-to-m)
I need to simulate a many-to-many (n: m) relationship with Realm in Android.
For example, A Country
has many Rivers
, but there are also Rivers
many that pass through Countries
I need to query both ways.
As read here , we should avoid these CountryToRiver(int cId, int rId)
helper classes known from SQL. Instead, Christian suggested bi-directional reference — sounds good.
I am currently getting data (JSON) and relations inside rivers like this: getCountries: [{"id":"1", "name":"Dreamland"}, ...]
getRivers:[{"id":"42", "name":"Wateryriver", "length":"5000", "countryIds":[1,2,5]}, ...]
So what I ended up with works, but I'm not sure if this is the best way or it might be a mistake / easier:
private int id;
private String name;
private RealmList<River> riverRealmList; // not exposed to GSON
// getter & setter
private int id;
private String name;
private int length;
@Ignore // ignored by realm
private List<Integer> countryIds;
private RealmList<Country> countryRealmList; // not exposed to GSON
// getter & setter
public void saveData(List<Country> countries, List<River> rivers) { // lists via GSON
for(Country c : countries) {
realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(c); // save countries normally
for(River r : rivers) {
public void buildRelationshipAndSave(River river) {
for (int id : river.getCountryIds) {
// get country with this id from realm and add it to the river countrylist
Country realmCountry = realm.where(Country.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirst();
river.getContryRealmList().add(realmCountry); //<- is this list access dangerous??
// until here it was a POJO, now store it in realm
River realmRiver = realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(river);
// now add this river to the country riverlist, too, if not already existent
if (!realmCountry.getRiverRealmList().contains(realmRiver))
Do you have any improvements or comments on this?
Thanks in advance!
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