Add ordered item recursively

Why am I getting segmentation fault in this code?

void inserord(Lint *li, int x, Lint *k){

    if(((*li)->value) > x){
        Lint New;
        New = (Lint) calloc(1,sizeof(Nodo));
        New->value= x;
        New->next = (*li);
        (*k)->next = New;

    }else if(*li == NULL){
    *k = *li;
    inserord( &((*li)->next), x, &(*k));


The problem is when I do * k = * li, they are pointers of the same type as Lint.

This is the data structure:

typedef struct slist *Lint;

typedef struct slist {
    int value;
    Lint next;
} Nodo;


The idea, in * k, is to pass the previous node to the next recursive call, so I can bind this old structure to the new one and the new one to the new one.


this is the complete code:

typedef struct slist *Lint;

typedef struct slist {
    int value;
    Lint next;
} Nodo;

void inserord(Lint *li, int x, Lint *k){
    if(((*li)->value) > x){
        Lint New;
        New = (Lint) calloc(1,sizeof(Nodo));
        New->value= x;
        New->next = (*li);
        (*k)->next = New;

    }else if(*li == NULL){
    *k = *li;
    inserord( &((*li)->next), x, &(*k));

void insertend(Lint *l, int x){
    Lint new, aux;

    new = (Lint) calloc(1,sizeof(Nodo));
    new->value = x;
    new->next = NULL;

        for(aux=*l; aux!=NULL ; aux = aux->next){
            if(aux->next == NULL){
                aux->next = new;

int main(){
    Lint listinha;


    insertend(&listinha, 1);
    insertend(&listinha, 2);
    insertend(&listinha, 3);
    insertend(&listinha, 4);
    insertend(&listinha, 5);
    insertend(&listinha, 7);


    Lint k = NULL;

    inserord(&listinha, 4, &k);


    return 0;



source to share

2 answers

You can write the function more simply like this

Lint inserord( Lint li, int x )
    if ( ( li == NULL ) || !( li->value < x ) )
        Lint new_li = malloc( sizeof( Nodo ) );
        new_li->value = x;
        new_li->next = li;

        return new_li;

    li->next = inserord( li->next, x );

    return li;


and call it like

Lint listinha = NULL;

listinha = inserord( listinha, 1 );


If using your approach, then the function can be written as follows (I used my own variable names because it is easy for me)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Nodo
    int value;
    struct Nodo *next;

void inserord( struct Nodo **current, int x, struct Nodo **prev )
    if ( ( *current == NULL ) || !( ( *current )->value < x ) )
        struct Nodo *nodo = malloc( sizeof( struct Nodo ) );

        nodo->value = x;
        nodo->next = *current;

        if ( *prev == *current ) *current = nodo;
        else ( *prev )->next = nodo;


    prev = current;
    current = &( *current )->next;

    inserord( current, x, prev );

void display( struct Nodo *current )
    for ( ; current != NULL; current = current->next )
        printf( "%d ", current->value );

int main(void) 
    struct Nodo *head = NULL;

    for ( int i = 10; i != 0;  ) inserord( &head, --i, &head );

    display( head );
    printf( "\n" );

    return 0;


Program output

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 


Or if you want to call it the third parameter, as a pointer to NULL, then the function might look like

void inserord( struct Nodo **current, int x, struct Nodo **prev )
    if ( ( *current == NULL ) || !( ( *current )->value < x ) )
        struct Nodo *nodo = malloc( sizeof( struct Nodo ) );

        nodo->value = x;
        nodo->next = *current;

        if ( *prev == NULL ) *current = nodo;
            //   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
        else ( *prev )->next = nodo;


    prev = current;
    current = &( *current )->next;

    inserord( current, x, prev );


and be called like

struct Nodo *head = NULL;
struct Nodo *prev = NULL;

for ( int i = 10; i != 0;  ) inserord( &head, --i, &prev );




An error can occur if * li is NULL. Indeed, you check it, but you only do it after the check ((*li)->value) > x)

, which will be expanded to (NULL->value > x)

, which will segfault.

What you need to do is just change the if / else if, for example:

void inserord(Lint *li, int x, Lint *k){

/* This check must be done before attempting any other attempt to dereference (*li) */
if(*li == NULL){
else if(((*li)->value) > x){
    Lint New;
    New = (Lint) calloc(1,sizeof(Nodo));
    New->value= x;
    New->next = (*li);
    (*k)->next = New;

*k = *li;
inserord( &((*li)->next), x, &(*k));



Segfault can also occur when trying to access (*k)->next

, which will segfault if * k is NULL.

Please provide a main or some snippet where you actually call inserord with both declarations li

and k




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