JQWidgets - Jqxgrid "no data to display", JSON Parse error

I follow the steps of this example ( http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/documentation/java-integration/bind-jquery-grid-to-mysql-database-using-jsp.htm ) but no data to display.

Jqxgrid.jsp file:

ResultSet result = state.executeQuery(sql1);
JsonArray recordsArray = new JsonArray();
while (result.next()) {
    JsonObject currentRecord = new JsonObject();
            new JsonPrimitive(result.getString("id")));
            new JsonPrimitive(result.getString("name")));



In the jsp file, I can get the JsonArray result:

[{"ID": "57", "name": "aa"}, {"ID": "58", "name": "QQ"}, {"ID": "59", "name": "II"}, {"ID": "," name 60 "": "Jenny"}, {"ID": "61", "name": "candy"}, {"ID": "62", "name": "e"}, {"identifier": "63", "name": "pp"}, {"identifier": "66", "name": "KKK"}]

jqxgrid.html file:

 $(document).ready(function () {

        var source = {
            datatype: "json",
            datafields: [{name: 'id'}, 
                         {name: 'name'}],

        var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, {
            downloadComplete: function (data, status, xhr) { },
            loadComplete: function (data) { },
            loadError: function (xhr, status, error) {alert('Status ='+ status +',  Error ='+ error ); }
            width: 400,
            autoheight: true,
            source: dataAdapter,
            columns: [{
                text: 'ID',
                datafield: 'id',
                width: 200
            }, {
                text: 'Name',
                datafield: 'name',
                width: 200


The grid is displayed here, but there is no data to display. (Sorry, I cannot post the image.)

Received error:

Status = parsererror, Error = SyntaxError: JSON parsing error: unrecognized token '<'

How can I fix this problem? Thank!


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1 answer

I think your problem is that you are not entering a description of the original data (client side). 4th record id is 60, which is character. The documentation states that type is a required field (although their examples don't always use it.)

If you add the type datafields:[{name:'id',type:'int'},

to var source = {

, it might solve your problem. You can also use 'number'

as type for id. He can also pay to add a type 'string'

to the field name


Hope this works for you.



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