How can I read a text file and output words in reverse order? python

So, I am working on a code that reads text and displays the words in reverse order if the original text is

hello world
how are you



you are how
world hello


I get it to partially work, the problem is it outputs it in one column, but I want it to be in rows.


for a in reversed(list(open("text.txt"))):
    for i in a:
        a = i.split()
        b =  a[::-1]
        final_string = ''
        for i in b:
            final_string += i + ' '



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1 answer

You have too many loops:

for a in reversed(list(open("text.txt"))):
    for i in a:


The first loop creates lines in the file in reverse order, so it is a

attached to each line. The second for

then iterates over every single character on that line. Then you go to the "reverse" character (or empty list when that character is a space or a new line).

You already use reversed

for a file, you can also use it for strings; combine it with str.join()


for line in reversed(list(open("text.txt"))):
    words = line.split()
    reversed_words = ' '.join(reversed(words))


Or more succinctly:

print(*(' '.join(l.split()[::-1]) for l in reversed(list(open('text.txt')))), sep='\n')



>>> with open('text.txt', 'w') as fo:
...     fo.write('''\
... hello world
... how are you
... ''')
>>> for line in reversed(list(open("text.txt"))):
...     words = line.split()
...     reversed_words = ' '.join(reversed(words))
...     print(reversed_words)
you are how
world hello
>>> print(*(' '.join(l.split()[::-1]) for l in reversed(list(open('text.txt')))), sep='\n')
you are how
world hello




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