What are the possible reasons for the final asynchronous {try ... finally ...} not being called? Rx Incolved

I have something like this:

let a =
    async {
            do! Async.AwaitTask someTask
            // clean up
Async.Start (a, cancellationTokenSource.Token)


When the task awaiting in a

completes, the block is executed finally

and the cleanup is done, but when the async a

is canceled because it cancellationTokenSource

gets Cancel

called, the cleanup is not done. In fact, I suspect it a

continues to work.

I don't really have a clue, so the initial guess goes here: "No, I really guess."


The problem seems to be with the task expected a

. If someTask


Async.Ignore (Async.AwaitIAsyncResult <| Task.Delay(5000))


then no problem :) But! if the task is like this:



( vm

is the view model. Finished

event. Basically, I want it to a

finish either because of cancellation or because of what Finished

happened in vm


Then a

resists to be canceled or finally just skipped, I don't know which one.


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2 answers

You need to transfer CancellationToken

to ToTask()

, otherwise it cannot be canceled.

Use this ToTask overload .



Cancellation in .Net is collaborative. This means that once a task is started, signal transmission CancellationToken

has no actual effect unless you control it.

To enable cancellation, you either need to check CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested

inside the actual operation, and if true, complete it. Or you can call CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested

to throw an exception that completes the operation.



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