Using AngularJS $ resource to query the database

I created the API, which works through a URL-address is built on node.js

, express.js

, mongoDB

and angular.js


My API is called like this:

app.get('/api/posts/:query', api.postsQuery);

So, if I type localhost:3000/api/posts/<whateverquery>

, mongoDB spits out all the applicable JSONs into my browser, so this works fine.

However I am trying to link this to my Angular frontend and it is causing problems. I want the user to be able to search the form and my database returned the correct records. Here's my controller:

function indexCtrl($scope, $http, $resource) {
  $scope.itemSearch = $resource('http://localhost\\:3000/api/posts/:query', 
    {query:''}, {get:{method:'JSONP'}});

  $scope.doSearch = function(){
    $scope.posts = $scope.itemSearch.get({query:$scope.searchTerm});
    console.log($scope.posts[1]) // returns undefined


My problem is that when I run $scope.doSearch

I see a request in the Chrome resource bar like this: enter image description hereso the correct data is indeed loaded but not bind to $scope.posts


I have this feeling because I need a callback function; I tried to use callback: JSON_CALLBACK

but it messed up my request / API (because it adds ?callback=...

to the end of the call $resource

and it aborts the request).

Any ideas on what I can do here to get it working? Is the problem a downside to the callback? Maybe I can add some regex to the call app.get

after :query

to allow subsequent wildcards>


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3 answers

Add a callback to your $ resource call:

$scope.doSearch = function(){
    $scope.itemSearch.get({query:$scope.searchTerm}, function(data){
        $scope.posts = data.posts;


Note on the docs that they use a callback:

var User = $resource('/user/:userId', {userId:'@id'});
User.get({userId:123}, function(u, getResponseHeaders){ = true;
    u.$save(function(u, putResponseHeaders) {
    //u => saved user object
    //putResponseHeaders => $http header getter




Based on looking through the docs (and knowledge of AngularJS does everything asynchronously fine) it looks like the code below should work

$scope.doSearch = function(){
    $scope.posts = $scope.itemSearch.get({query:$scope.searchTerm}, function(){
        console.log($scope.posts[1]) // hopefully is something

 . $ resource

Since the operations are done asynchronously (to avoid blocking / waiting / suspending), there is usually either a callback or a promise for anything that can take time (network calls).



The "Angular" way to solve this problem is with the $ q library for promises.

function indexCtrl($scope, $resource, $q) {
  var defer = $q.defer();

  var resource = $resource('http://localhost\\:3000/api/posts/:query', {query:''}, {get:{method:'JSONP'}});

  resource.get({query:'mySearchQuery'}, defer.resolve);

  defer.promise.then(function(data) {
    $scope.posts = data;




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