Constructor with many parameters

I have a class with (say) 50 fields. I only use a few of these to deploy the program to each user. Is there a way to make the constructor generic but deployment specific?


public class Employee{

    private String id       = "default";
    private String empcat   = "default";
    private String empfam   = "default";
    private String phychar  = "default";
    private String othchar  = "default";
    private String shoesty  = "default";
    private Double shoesiz  = 0.0;
    private String shoesty  = "default";
    private Double shirsiz  = 0.0;
    private String shirsty  = "default";
    .........50 other fields..


"User / Client 1" - only wants to use the shoe program and thus creates an object: Employee obemp = new employee ("John", 11.5, Docker); (i.e. id, shoes and showy)

User / Client 2 - only wants to use the shirt program and thus creates an object: Employee obemp = new employee ("John", 42, ABC); (like id, shirsiz and shirsty)

User / Client 3 - only wants to use the family program and thus creates an object with: Employee obemp = new employee ("John", "Smith"); (i.e. id, empfam)

The order of fields when creating an object can vary depending on how it is used in the model.


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2 answers

First of all, I suggest breaking your main class into smaller pieces that manage the data that usually goes together (shoe info, shirt info, family info, etc.).

Secondly, I suggest that you provide clients with a builder template to make it easier for them to create an object with only the parts they are likely to need. So they can do something like this:

Employee emp = new EmployeeBuilder("John")
    .withShirtInfo(shirsiz, shirsty)




There is no generic way to do this in Java core. But you can use a design pattern like: -builder.

You can also create Employee

with minimal criteria, for example - id

. We can assume that everyone Employee

has id

. So create Employee

with the help of id

with the help of the designer Employee(String id)


public class Employee{

     //all properties

   public Employee(String id){ = id;

   //setter methods


Suppose you created Employee

like this -

Employee employee = new Employee("eng134");   


After that, you can set only the required property for the object Employee

using the setting methods -





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