How to throw an exception when the List <T> .RemoveAll method removes nothing?

I have the following line of code:

races.RemoveAll(br => RaceID == br.raceID);


This means removing all races in the race list that match this condition (have the same RaceID) and this line of code works.

However, my question is, how can I throw an exception if NOTHING has been removed?

I want to do:

 if (nothing is removed)
throw new Exception ("Nothing was removed from the list, check input");



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1 answer


returns a int

value - the number of elements removed by the call.

var elementsRemoved = races.RemoveAll(br => RaceID == br.raceID);
if (elementsRemoved == 0)
    throw new Exception ("Nothing was removed from the list, check input");




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