Reading Firebase data returns client error despite rule being "true"

I am trying to figure out how to do a simple CRUD with angular + firebase. I started with a read operation. I have the following data structure:enter image description here

With this in mind, I created the following rules: enter image description here

I have a working factory like this:

factory('wordsFactory', function($http){
  var factory = {};
  var words = [
    {content:"hi", definition:"ooo"},
    {content:"h3", definition:"ooo222"}
  factory.getWords = function(){
    return words;
    //ajax call here
  factory.addWords = function(){
  return factory;


I changed it to try and include a call like this:

factory('wordsFactory', function($http){
  var factory = {};
  var words = [];
  var ref = new Firebase('');
    ref.once('value', function($scope, snapshot) {
        $scope.variable = snapshot.val();
        words = [
          {content: ref.content, definition: ref.definition}
  factory.getWords = function(){
    return words;
    //ajax call here
  factory.addWords = function(){
  return factory;


However, when I try to read, I get:

Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.


FIREBASE WARNING: Exception was thrown by user callback. TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of undefined

Several things, I understand that due to what I have, even if it works, it will only return one value. I'm fine because I just want to figure out how to make it work. I also know that my current data structure could be greatly improved, again I just did this to learn, but feel free to suggest anything you think might help me.

My main problem right now is that I cannot read it. I should also mention that the factory works correctly without firebase, it gets called in the main controller.


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2 answers

I think your problem is related to the RULES.

Try replacing the default RULES below:

  "rules": {    
     ".read": true,
     ".write": true


You can now access without any error.



I'm not sure how you arrived at this construction:

ref.once('value', function($scope, snapshot) {


But the callback once

only takes one argument for the event value

. See the related Firebase API documentation .

So, you will have to change it to:

ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {


And find another way to get the scope.

It is recommended to use the simulator tab in your Firebase dashboard to troubleshoot the error. This will usually show you a better explanation of why the operation is being rejected. This detailed information is intentionally not shown to general clients.



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