How can I implement Shuffle Fisher-Yates in Scala without side effects?

I want to implement the Fischer-Yeiss algorithm (move an array in place) without side effects using STArray

for local mutation effects and a functional random number generator

type RNG[A] = State[Seed,A]


to get the random integers needed by the algorithm.

I have a method def intInRange(max: Int): RNG[Int]

that I can use to generate a random Int

at [0, max).

From Wikipedia :

To shuffle an array a of n elements (indices 0..n-1):
    for i from n − 1 downto 1 do
        j ← random integer such that 0 ≤ j ≤ i
        exchange a[j] and a[i]


I suppose I need to stack State

with somehow ST

, but this is confusing me. Do i need [S]StateT[ST[S,?],Seed,A]

? Do I need to rewrite RNG

for use StateT


(Edit) I don't want to include IO

, and I don't want to substitute Vector

for STArray

, because the shuffle won't do in-place.

I know there is a Haskell implementation here , but I am not yet able to understand and port this to Scalaz. But maybe you can? :)

Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

Here's a more or less direct translation from the version of Haskell you linked to that uses mutable STArray

. Scalaz STArray

doesn't have an exact function equivalent listArray

, so I did it. Otherwise, it's a simple transliteration:

import scalaz._
import scalaz.effect.{ST, STArray}
import ST._
import State._
import syntax.traverse._
import std.list._

def shuffle[A:Manifest](xs: List[A]): RNG[List[A]] = {
  def newArray[S](n: Int, as: List[A]): ST[S, STArray[S, A]] =
    if (n <= 0) newArr(0, null.asInstanceOf[A])
    else for {
      r <- newArr[S,A](n, as.head)
      _ <- r.fill((_, a: A) => a,
    } yield r
  for {
    seed <- get[Seed]
    n = xs.length
    r <- runST(new Forall[({type λ[σ] = ST[σ, RNG[List[A]]]})#λ] {
      def apply[S] = for {
        g <- newVar[S](seed)
        randomRST = (lo: Int, hi: Int) => for {
          p <- - lo).apply)
          (a, sp) = p
          _ <- g.write(sp)
        } yield a + lo
        ar  <- newArray[S](n, xs)
        xsp <- Range(0, n).toList.traverseU { i => for {
          j  <- randomRST(i, n)
          vi <- ar read i
          vj <- ar read j
          _  <- ar.write(j, vi)
        } yield vj }
        genp <-
      } yield put(genp).map(_ => xsp)
  } yield r


While the asymptotic behavior of using a volatile array may be good, note that the constant coefficients of the monad ST

in Scala are quite large. You might be better off doing this in a monolithic block using regular modified arrays. The shared function shuffle

stays clean because all of your mutable state is local.



You have many options. One simple (but not very fundamental) one is to simply pick up operations in Rng

and ST

out IO

, and then work with them. Others would use both STRef[Long]

and STArray

in the same ST

. Others would use State[(Long, Vector[A]), ?]


You can use StateT[State[Long, ?], Vector[A], ?]

it too , but that would be pointless. You can probably use StateT

(for the RNG state) over ST

(for the array), but again, I really don't see the point.

This can be done fairly cleanly with no side effects with just Rng

. For example, using the NICTA RNG library :

import com.nicta.rng._, scalaz._, Scalaz._

def shuffle[A](xs: Vector[A]): Rng[Vector[A]] =
  (xs.size - 1 to 1 by -1).toVector.traverseU(
    i => Rng.chooseint(0, i).map((i, _))
  ).map {
    _.foldLeft(xs) {
      case ((i, j), v) =>
        val tmp = v(i)
        v.updated(i, v(j)).updated(j, tmp)


Here, you simply select all your swaps in the monad Rng

and then add them together with your collection as an accumulator, swapping as you go.



This is the same as Travis' solution, the difference is that he uses the state monad. I wanted to find a minimal set of imports, but I finally gave up:

import com.nicta.rng.Rng
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

object FisherYatesShuffle {

  def randomJ(i: Int): Rng[Int] = Rng.chooseint(0,i)

  type Exchange = (Int,Int)

  def applyExchange[A](exchange: Exchange)(l: Vector[A]): Vector[A] = {
    val (i,j) = exchange
    val vi = l(i)

  def stApplyExchange[A](exchange: Exchange): State[Vector[A], Unit] = State.modify(applyExchange(exchange))

  def shuffle[A](l: Vector[A]): Rng[Vector[A]] = {
    val rngExchanges: Rng[Vector[Exchange]] = (l.length - 1 to 1 by -1).toVector.traverseU { i =>
      for {
        j <- randomJ(i)
      } yield (i, j)

    for {
      exchanges <- rngExchanges
    } yield exchanges.traverseU(stApplyExchange[A]).exec(l)





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