How to solve the problem with group and aggregate function in postgresql

I am trying to write a query to divide two SQL statements, but it shows me

 ERROR: column "temp.missed" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in 
 an aggregate function
  SQL state: 42803


although when I group by temp.missed it seems to work but shows incorrect results due to multiple groups.

I have the following tables in PostgreSQL

 create table test.appointments (
      appointment_id serial
      , patient_id integer references test.patients(id)
      , doctor_id integer references test.doctors(id)
      , appointment_time timestamp
      , appointment_status enum('scheduled','completed','missed')

 create table test.visits (
      visit_id serial
      , patient_id integer references test.patients(id)
      , doctor_id integer references test.doctors(id)
      , walk_in_visit boolean
      , arrival_time timestamp
      , seen_time timestamp


I wrote the following query to find a missed appointment date (missed appointments / general appointments), but it has the above error.

  select tem.doctor_id, (temp.missed::float/ as ratio from 
    (select doctor_id, count(appointment_status) as missed from appointments 
     where appointment_status='missed' group by doctor_id)as temp
      join (select doctor_id, count(appointment_status) as total from 
      appointments group by doctor_id) as tem  on temp.doctor_id = 
       tem.doctor_id group by tem.doctor_id;



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2 answers

You don't need all these subqueries - the function count

applied to the expression case

will be much simpler:

SELECT   doctor_id, 
         COUNT(CASE appointment_status 
                    WHEN 'missed' THEN 1 
                    ELSE NULL 
               END)::float / 
         COUNT(*) AS ratio
FROM     appointments
GROUP BY doctor_id




You can simplify your query, and if you are using PostgreSQL 9.4 you can use a very nice and clear syntax:

SELECT   doctor_id, 
       FILTER (WHERE appointment_status='missed') / 
     COUNT(*) AS ratio
FROM     appointments
GROUP BY doctor_id



will only affect COUNT

after, so in this case it will only count missed appointments.



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