AOSP 6.0 Build for hammerhead - proprietary binaries

I just built an AOSP 6.0 for the hammer and tried to light it up. My phone froze at the Google logo and refused to boot. I guess I need to use the proprietary binaries found here

How can I extract them and put them in my assembly? Thank.


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2 answers

Be sure to download the Nexus 5 binaries that match the AOSP version you are building. For example, if you are building the most recent version of AOSP when you initialized your repo, you would enter this command:

$ repo init -u -b android-6.0.1_r72  


Take this latest branch code (everything after "-b") android-6.0.1_r72 and search it: builds

It matches the lines of M4B30X

Now, take this M4B30X assembly code and find it here:

Download the relevant binaries:
  $ cd ~/Downloads

$ wget $ wget $ wget

Check the integrity of each download:

 $ echo "01a03cf36b20ee2460d108c1d199f4b012b084368cddfbff1e40ff8270b54d6f broadcom-hammerhead-m4b30x-7c7b231f.tgz" | sha256sum -c
 $ echo "a533f4c82d430181b97ab2321acf10ab1e2b126de7bb15437c969331541af7cb lge-hammerhead-m4b30x-74fa3aa5.tgz" | sha256sum -c
 $ echo "9a2760bda79e3be7bbe7203c05273c80b0d043d9aaf15be20361e35b16ef8905 qcom-hammerhead-m4b30x-158606cf.tgz" | sha256sum -c


Extract each gzip file:

 $ tar xzvf broadcom-hammerhead-m4b30x-7c7b231f.tgz  
 $ tar xzvf lge-hammerhead-m4b30x-74fa3aa5.tgz    
 $ tar xzvf qcom-hammerhead-m4b30x-158606cf.tgz


Execute the resulting self-extracting files from the root folder of the source tree (~ / AOSP)

$ cd ~/AOSP
$ ~/Downloads/
$ ~/Downloads/
$ ~/Downloads/ 


After executing each file, press the Enter key once, and then press the Spacebar until you reach the end of each document. At the end of each document type:



and press Enter .

To place the new binaries, you must initiate a full rebuild, so install the environment:
  $ ./ build/

  $ lunch aosp_hammerhead-userdebug

And make a synthetic target "clobber" to clean up:

$ make clobber


Now rebuild: (If you are using Core2Duo)

 $ make -j4  


(Or if you are using something more)

$ make -j16




Unzip the downloaded files, you will get bash files. Place all of these files in the root directory of your AOSP project and execute them. You will need to accept the licenses and the binaries will be extracted to the correct directory.

After this step. In the AOSP root directory, run:

make clobber


It will clear the current assembly (out / **). This is necessary for the company to notice changes in the official AOSP assembly process.

Then you can compile the sources again.

make -j4 


(or j8 / j16 relative to your cpu thread number)



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