Weird Laravel flash session issue

I am facing a very strange problem and cannot find anything. I am trying very simply by using flash message in Laravel to display a message to the user if a condition was not met.

Basically this is the controller code I am using:

        Session::flash('error', 'error message');
        return redirect()->back();

//      this didn't work either
//      return redirect()->action('Controller@method', $var)->with('error', ['error message']);


The thing is, it works when I var_dump the session in the view, but not without it. This is the view:

{{ Session::get('error') }} // does not work
{{ dd(Session::get('error')) }} // works!


This is a very simple thing, but I don't know why it is going wrong.

Any helpers? :) Thanks!


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1 answer

You should debug this way

Clear all files in the folder sessions

In your controller, you can create a flash message using either of two methods.

 Session::flash('error', 'error message');
 return redirect()->back();



  return redirect()->action('Controller@method', $var)->with('error', ['error message']);


Then in your blade

@if (Session::has('error')) 
<div class="alert alert-info">
    {{ Session::get('error') }}




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