How to play one audio file in android using adb command?

I have one target for Android.
I have an audio file in mnt / sdcard0.
How can i play via adb command?
The music player app is already installed on the target.


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2 answers

use the following adb shell command:

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file: ///storage/sdcard0/test.wav -t audio / wav



There are two other command line programs that can run through the adb shell or even remotely using an ssh connection. Also no music player app installed is required.

adb shell stagefright -a -o file.mp3



adb shell tinyplay file.wav


(drop adb shell

if no connection is used adb


Please note that tinyplay

can only play stereo sound files. I learned about the command stagefright

from a3nm blog: Android from the command line .



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