Dedicated / Aggregate Query: Mongodb array, trims trailing space

I have a MongoDB collection that contains an array of colors, for example:


_id : ...,
"colours" : [ 
        "colourpercentage" : "42",
        "colourname" : "Blue"
        "colourpercentage" : "32",
        "colourname" : "Red"
        "colourpercentage" : "10",
        "colourname" : "Green "


I would like to get every single value for every record in this collection and be able to filter it when I search.

I have tried with a great one with no success. I searched further and found that aggregation can help me. At the moment I have:

    { "$match": { "colours.colourname": /Gre/ } }, # Gre is my search
    { "$unwind": "$colours" },
    { "$match": { "colours.colourname": /search/ } },
    { "$group": {
       "_id": "$colours.colourname"


It works, but I get an array like:

"result" : [ 
        "_id" : "Grey"
        "_id" : "Light Green "
        "_id" : "Light Green"
        "_id" : "Green "
        "_id" : "Green"
"ok" : 1.0000000000000000


And I would like to remove duplicate entries that have a space at the end and display them as:

["Grey","Light Green","Green"]



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1 answer

One approach you can use is Map-Reduce , although the JavaScript interpreter is driven by mapReduce takes a little more than the aggregation framework, but will work as you will be using some very useful JavaScript features that are missing from the aggregation framework. For example, in a map function, you can use a function to remove any trailing spaces in so that you can emit "cleared" keys. trim()


A Map-Reduce operation usually has the following map and reduces features:

var map = function() {
    if (!this.colours) return;
    this.colours.forEach(function (c){
        emit(c.colourname.trim(), 1)

var reduce = function(key, values) {
    var count = 0;
    for (index in values) {
        count += values[index];
    return count;    

db.runCommand( { mapreduce : "myCollection", map : map , reduce : reduce , out : "map_reduce_result" } );


Then you can query the collection map_reduce_result

with a regular expression to get the result:

var getDistinctKeys = function (doc) { return doc._id };
var result = db.map_reduce_result.find({ "_id": /Gre/ }).map(getDistinctKeys);
print(result); // prints ["Green", "Grey", "Light Green"]



To implement this in Python, the PyMongo API supports all MongoDBs map functionality / shrink engine this way you can try this:

import pymongo
import re
from bson.code import Code

client = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
db = client.test
map = Code("function () {"
            "   if (!this.colours) return;"
            "   this.colours.forEach(function (c){"
            "       emit(c.colourname.trim(), 1)"
            "   });"

reduce = Code("function (key, values) {"
            "   var count = 0;"
            "       for (index in values) {"
            "           count += values[index];"
            "       }"
            "       return count;"    
            "   };")

result = db.myCollection.map_reduce(map, reduce, "map_reduce_result")
regx = re.compile("Gre", re.IGNORECASE)

for doc in result.find({"_id": regx}):




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