Can vbs generate bat file with line from InputBox?

Can anyone help me? This vbs script creates run.bat, but I need in run.bat the second line Answer from InputBox at the beginning of the vbs script. Is it possible?

Answer = LCase(InputBox("Your Answer:", ""))
     If Len(Answer) Then
     Dim objFSO, outFile
            Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            Set outFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("run.bat", True)
    outFile.WriteLine "Your answer is: "
    outFile.WriteLine """Answer"


    WScript.Echo "Done."
End If



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1 answer

Of course, you just need to remove the double quotes from this string:

outFile.WriteLine """Answer"


so the value of the variable is Answer

written to the file instead of the string "Answer


outFile.WriteLine Answer


You can even make the answer on the same line as the text Your answer is:

if you create the output like this:

outFile.Write "Your answer is: "
outFile.WriteLine Answer


or like this:

outFile.WriteLine "Your answer is: " & Answer




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