Youtube V3 Data Subscription API does not return NextPage when submitted with mySubscribers

I am not getting a "nextPageToken" in the response object when I try to get a list of users who have subscribed to our feeds using the YT Data API (v3) subscription. For some reason YT does not return "nextPageToken" even though the channel below has over 100k subscribers, so could you please advise me on how to get the next pages of subscribers. The same behavior occurs when I tried to use any of the channels in our CMS account:

Request:,id,snippet(publishedfoothesized,channelId),snippet(publippage- = true & part = id, snippet, contentDetails, subscriberSnippet & key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx & alt = json

Here is an example of a scanned response (I trimmed the other 48 items from the list below and intentionally masked the subscriber details)

{"items": [{"snippet": {"channelId": "UCUR8UieACc2QXl7waH821hQ", "publishedAt": "2014-05-20T19: 50: 44.000Z"}, "contentDetails": {"newItemCount": 0, " activityType ":" all "," totalItemCount ": 51}," subscriberSnippet ": {" description ":", "title": "Sebastian Brentsworth"}, "id": "MVPSEm5kMooIHMvcBKqbtFJAp1dHw0GeHza2Iq5 "KXP" "channelId": "UCYs04YSyy1soNzyvsDljYVg", "publishedAt": "2014-05-28T22: 39: 30.000Z"}, "contentDetails": {"newItemCount": 0, "activityType": "all", "totalItemCount": 51 }, "subscriberSnippet": {"description ":" "," title ":" Jason Chan "}," id ":" Xd7_fS3FIA4rnSu6NXEfxF8trXzL8-LspvIuYtDMmc0 "},]," pageInfo ": {" resultsPerPage ": 50," totalResults ": 144403}


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1 answer

"Known" (Hopefully also Google) error: and youtube.subscriptions.list (api v3) - nextPageToken isn't available

I have currently come up with a token generator as a workaround (see other SO posts or here: )



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