Create ContainerAwareCommand in Symfony2 to Print Data

I want to create a ContainerAwareCommand in Symfony2 to print email from my database. I have another class that consists of my data. I'm just getting started, but what am I going to do next?

protected function configure()
        ->setDescription('Print all emails form db');

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    $service = $this->getContainer()->get('');
    $output->writeln('<p>%s</p>', $service);


But in my console my command doesn't exist


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2 answers

Performs documentation .

In short, add a method execute()

to the class, get your service from the container, then display the data.

   protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $service = $this->getContainer()->get('your_service.database_connection');

        $email = // work with $service

        $output->writeln(/*here you render the data*/);




You may be doing something wrong, checking the class name, directory name, etc. From doc :

To make console commands available automatically with Symfony, create a Command directory in your package and create a PHP file suffix with Command.php for each command you want to provide. For example, if you want to extend the AppBundle to greet you command line, create GreetCommand.php



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