Firebase addValueEventListener sometimes returns null DataSnapshot
My Android app uses Firebase JAVA API which works really well. However, I recently noticed that sometimes I get a null value returned in datasnapshot with this code.
public void startLeaderboardListener (final String roundID) {
myClubFirebaseRef.child("/rounds/" + roundID + "/scores/users/").addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
JSONArray usersJSONArray = new JSONArray();
//ToDo : BUG : Returned a null object reference here
Map<String, JSONObject> usersMap = (HashMap<String, JSONObject>) snapshot.getValue();
JSONObject usersJSON = new JSONObject(usersMap);
if (usersMap != null) try {
Iterator x = usersJSON.keys();
while (x.hasNext()) {
String thisUSerID = (String);
JSONObject thisUserJSON = usersJSON.getJSONObject(thisUSerID);
SQLiteRounds db = new SQLiteRounds(myContext);
JSONObject thisUserStatusJSON = thisUserJSON.getJSONObject("status");
JSONArray thisUserDataJSON = thisUserJSON.getJSONArray("data");
db.updateLocalRoundwithScores(thisUSerID, roundID, thisUserStatusJSON, thisUserDataJSON);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Log.e ("CloudArchery", "Error extracting JSON Data from User Update (ClubFirebase.startLeaderboard");
public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
Log.e("CloudArchery", "The read failed (ClubFirebase.startLeaderboard) : " + firebaseError.getMessage());
} //startLeaderboardListene
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