H.264 decoding with Android MediaCodec

I have a lot of problems with h.264 decoding from Android MediaCodec

. I am getting raw h.264 stream from drone via custom API (provided). The API gives me byte [] values.

Quite simply, I initialize the decoder MediaCodec

like this (I have SPS and PPS declared elsewhere):

int width = 640;
int height = 480;
videoFormat = "video/avc";

format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat( videoFormat, width, height );
format.setString("KEY_MIME", videoFormat );

mCodec = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType( videoFormat );

format.setByteBuffer("csd-0", ByteBuffer.wrap( NAL_sps ));
format.setByteBuffer("csd-1", ByteBuffer.wrap( NAL_pps ));

mCodec.configure( format, null, null, 0 );      


I am not currently passing dequeuedOutputBuffer

mine Surface

so I can check what comes out.

The weird problem is that as soon as I get the correct output buffer from the decoder, the result is garbage. For my 640 x 480 test, the number of bytes I get from the decoder is correct (460800 bytes), which I assume is Semi Planar 4: 2: 0 (640x480x1.5). However, the values ​​represent all junk, i.e. 0x80 0x80 0x80

... for the entire byte array.

Does anyone know if there are h.264 limitations for what can decode MediaCodec

? I noted that according to the API MediaFormat

"all keys not marked as required are required". I tried to set all the "required" fields for MediaFormat

and still don't find any valid output.

I tried to decode the data directly on mine Surface

and noticed that most of the window is gray and sometimes I get multiple scan lines that look like a valid video and then back to gray.

Any idea what might be causing this behavior?

android decoding codec h.264 mediacodec

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