Symfony: How to place a screen on a form error?

Some of my web pages are very long and shaped at the bottom of the page. After submitting a form that fails validation, I will return to the top of the page, which is not very convenient.

I would like to find a way, by mistake, to place the scroll by mistake, or at least at the top of the form.

Does anyone know how to manage this?

I did using javascript:

{% if not form.vars.valid %}
    window.location.hash = 'form';
{% endif %}


I don't think it is very clean. Do you know differently?


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2 answers

You can use autofocus

HTML attribute . This does not require JavaScript.

<input type="text" name="field_name" autofocus>


The attribute can be added as follows:

{{ form_row(form.field_name, {'attr': {'autofocus': null}}) }}


A simple implementation that checks for a field error might look like this:

{% if form.field_name.vars.errors|length %}
  {{ form_row(
       form.field_name.vars|merge({'attr': {'autofocus': null}})
{% else %}
  {{ form_row(form.field_name) }}
{% endif %}




If you don't want to add code to each of the fields and need a faster and more general solution, this short script will get the job done (tested with Symfony3):

var delay = 0;
var offset = 150;
if ($('body').find("span").hasClass('help-block')) {
     $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $($(".help-block")[0]).offset().top - offset }, delay);



gives you better control over the top position of the target you are scrolling to (useful if the top of the page is covered by a fixed navbar), and delay allows you to pause before scrolling.



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