How to add auto codecomplete for .net dll in pycharm or any other IDE

I have a .net dll imported in python 2.7.9

import sys
import clr
import System
from System.Reflection import Assembly
Engine = Assembly.LoadFile(r'file.dll')


Now what I need is codecomplete for this .net dll. After importing when using python command line, I can use dir () to see the method inside the classes.

But at the moment I am using pycharm 4.0.6 community and I cannot figure out how to add for use in auto codecomplete.

Also I think that maybe I can strip the API and add it as a reference, but I don't know which tool can help me here.

PS- if this is not supported in pycharm and is supported by another IDE, please report

Help would be much appreciated


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2 answers

This forum post I found is not explicitly stated, but they suggest simply choosing to ignore the import if it complains.

I would have preferred an answer to come, indicating that this is possible, but don't be surprised to know that this is not possible at the moment. Feature request for PyCharm?



You can use Jupyter / IPython and PTVS REPL to complete the Python.NET tab. Static analysis cannot get these living objects.



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