Java StreamTokenizer

I am using a method quoteChar('"')

to process strings. Normal escape sequences such as "\ n" and "\ t" are recognized and converted to single characters when the string is parsed. Is there a way to get the string the way it is, which means that if I have a string:

Hello \ tworld

I want to receive

Hello \ tworld

and not:

Hello World

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2 answers

Looking at the source StreamTokenizer

, it looks like the escape behavior for strings is hardcoded. I can only think of a couple of ways to get around this:

  • Return the string as soon as you return it. The problem here is that it won't match exactly what was in the file - \ t will be converted back, but \ 040 won't.
  • Insert your own Reader

    between source Reader

    and StreamTokenizer

    . Store all characters read for the last token in the buffer. Trim the spaces from the beginning of this buffer to get a raw token.
  • If your tokenization rules are simple enough, implement your own tokenizer.


What worked for me:

public class MyReader extends BufferedReader {
    // You can choose whatever replacement you'd like(one wont occur in your text)
    private static final char TAB_REPLACEMENT = '\u0000';

    public MyReader(Reader in) {

    public int read() throws IOException {
        int charVal =;
        if (charVal == '\t') {
            return TAB_REPLACEMENT;
        return charVal;


and then create a tokenizer:

myTokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new MyReader(new FileReader(file)));


and get a new strval on

MyTokenizer.sval.replace(TAB_REPLACEMENT, '\t')




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