Facebook access error: user is already associated with object type

When I try to share the same content, I get the following error:

User is already associated to the object type, website, on a unique action type Like. Original Action ID: 1394xxxxxx....


Can someone please help me with this?

I already mentioned this link - Error: (# 3501) User is already associated with object type, article, with unique action type Like. Original Activity ID: 10202808015141547 but couldn't find any steps described here (Open Graph Activity Settings)


source to share

1 answer

Can you post the code you use when sharing content?

Formulate what I understand from this, everything is correct:

  • You "share" the action twice as you mentioned,
  • "Sharing" is probably actually "Like"
  • Objects can only be displayed once by the user,
  • The error message also refers to Like as a unique action type.

To fix this, you must either:

  • Check your code that you are actually sharing something and don't like it,
  • Even when sharing, FB checks to see if you've recently shared. If you do, it could be spam or a mistake on your side,
  • If you want another Open Graph action, then Liking, create them and make them non-unqiue.

All of the above is out of context. If this sound doesn't work for you, please submit the exact code you are using to share.



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