Do daily work only after two hours at the pentaho

I would like to run Job (or transform) in pentaho every minute (like 10 minutes), but only during work (Ie starting from 8:00 to 18:00).

Any suggestion?



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2 answers

You can do this by scheduling a job in cron or on the PDI server. Cron string

*/5 8-18 * * *


must do the trick. It reads like:

  • */5

    - every 5 minutes
  • 8-18

    - every hour from 8 to 18.
  • * * *

    every day and every working day of every month.


You can schedule jobs and transformations to run automatically on a regular basis by following the guidelines below (according to Scheduling transformations and jobs from a spoon )

  • Open a job or transformation, then go to the Action menu and select Schedule.
  • In the Transformation Schedule dialog box, enter a start date and time for the schedule in the Start area, or click the calendar icon (surrounded by red) to display the calendar. To start the conversion immediately, select the Now radio button.

  • Set the end date and time. If applicable, select the No End radio button or click the calendar and enter the date and time to complete the conversion.

  • If applicable, adjust the repeat in the Repeat section. End date and time are disabled unless you choose recurrence. From the list of schedule options, select the one that suits you best: run once, seconds, minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

  • Make sure you set options, arguments and variables if available. Click OK.

  • In the Spoon button bar, select the Schedule perspective.

In the Schedule perspective, you can update, start, pause, stop and delete a transformation or task using the buttons in the upper left corner of the page.

Also as @nsousa said it uses the system cron to run it with something like the following

*/5 8-18 * * * sh -C -file:"/Users/zhilevan/pentaho_res/first_test.ktr"




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