Specify the first month in the monthly calendar if sizes are greater than 1.1

Is there anyway to specify which month should be displayed first in the month calendar when you are showing more than one month at a time?

I have seen similar questions but none have ever been answered, instead they were provided with a workaround for their problem. I would just like "yes like that ..." or "no, because ..."

I tried



neither of which moves the month properly, keeping the selected date until the start. The month with the selected date always shows the last month, which is inappropriate when you want to select future dates.

EDIT 5/29/2015

It looks like this issue only occurs when trying to set the MonthCalendar with the date of the next current year (2015). A good example to check is 20/20/2015.


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1 answer

Yes it is possible. I did it with a combination of SelectionStart

and SelectionEnd


this.monthCalendar1.CalendarDimensions = new System.Drawing.Size(4, 3);
this.monthCalendar1.FirstDayOfWeek = System.Windows.Forms.Day.Monday;
this.monthCalendar1.SelectionStart = new DateTime(1980, 5, 20);
this.monthCalendar1.SelectionEnd = new DateTime(1980, 5, 20);


Edit: it was actually very easy for me to install SelectionStart

, the only problem is that it chooses the default maximum number of samples by default.



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