Get boundary coordinates of polygon from Google Maps

Does Google Maps (or any other [commercial / free] vendor) provide API (s) that can return the boundary coordinates of place search polygons? I'm not just talking about sw-ne-coordinates, but the actual border, which perfectly defines the shape of the place. The place could be a city or a finer-grained identifiable place?

I don't know much about the Google Maps API, but I did give it enough attention to finding and testing code samples (from examples provided by Google itself) and also browsing through the API links but couldn't find any.

Any help please ...


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1 answer

If you mean β€œis it possible to get the boundaries of any place returned by the Google Places API as we see it in Google Maps?” The answer is no, you should use KML files that describe the polygon that represents the boundaries of the place.

Depending on what you are looking for, there are many open source KML files that represent some state boundaries, such as this file for an example.
Please improve your question if you are looking for something more specific, it is too large now. I didn't go downstairs, but I think that's why some other people do it.



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