Overload of single equals in fast

I have a strange situation where I cannot get single values ​​for overload

This works great:

public func /=<T: ConvertibleUnit>(inout left: T, right: Int) {
    left.value = (left.value / Double(right))


Once I change it to:

public func =<T: ConvertibleUnit>(inout left: T, right: Int) {
    left.value = Double(right)


I am getting the error:

Implementing an operator without matching the operator declaration

Is there something crazy I'm missing?

I've been playing around with infishes and it doesn't seem like that much. Do I somehow assume that his interpretation is wrong?


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2 answers

No cubes, I'm afraid. From the reference

Tokens =, β†’, //, / *, * /,., Prefix operators <, amp ;, and?, Infix operator & and postfix operators>,! and? reserved. These tokens cannot be overloaded and cannot be used as custom operators.

Instead, if you want to ConvertibleUnit

always be created with Int

, give the protocol a method init(_ val: Int)

for people to write let unit = T(42)

. Or perhaps even consider making it fit IntegerLiteralConvertible


Generally, the preferred style in Swift should not have automatic / implicit conversion between different types. That's why, for example, you have to overlay Int

on Double

before you can add it on another Double


You can of course write things like this:

func +(lhs: Int, rhs: Double) -> Double {
    return Double(lhs) + rhs

let i = 1
let f = 1.2
i + f   // = 2.2


but this is generally not considered good practice.



As explained in the official Apple documentation ,

Cannot overload the default assignment operator (=). Only complex assignment operators can be overloaded. Likewise, the ternary conditional operator (a? B: c) cannot be overloaded.

You could create a new operator using infix

, but unfortunately, you simply cannot overload '='.



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