How do I include subproject resources in the parent project?

I have a multi-project build Gradle, containing 3 projects: A

, B

and C



and B

depends on C


has a file myconfig.xml

in its folder resources

that I would like to include as a resource in a war generated for A

and B


A -- project type - WAR
  -- depends on - C
B -- project type - WAR
  -- depends on - C
C -- project type - JAVA
\_ src\main\resources
 \_ myconfig.xml


However, just having C as a dependency for A and B doesn't seem to do it. The file is myconfig.xml

missing from the war file folder WBE-INF\classes

. This is indeed present in the file C.jar

, but not where it is needed.

How can I share the resource folder C

to have it in the war file A

and B



source to share

4 answers

I'm not sure how it works in gradle, but in maven you can do it using the maven-dependency-plugin:



There should be something similar in gradle, maybe there could be a pointer.



Consider accessing the xml directly from C.jar as it is on the classpath. You can open the resource as a stream. Check this post Reading resource file from jar



Can you explain how you read the myconfig.xml file? If you try to use it getClass().getResourceAsStream("/myconfig.xml")

, you will read it regardless of whether it is in a folder WEB-INF/classes

or in a jar on the classpath. Obviously, it's better to put resources in jars in folders (eg :) my-c-lib/myconfig.xml

to avoid collisions.



To use a resource from another project, we must import this project into our classpath.

To import usage, <classpathentry combaccessrules = "false" kind = "src" path = "/ your project c path" / ">

Add this entry to your classpath file (.classpath file) A and B



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