Can you clear the Liquibase checksums for this file only?


liquibase --url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/XE --    
driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver --changeLogFile=db.changelog-next.xml --    
username=owner --password=xxxx --logLevel=info clearCheckSums


clears ALL checksums from the database. Is there a way to clear only checksums for changesets in db.changelog-next.xml.



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2 answers

I don't think there is another command or parameter for clearCheckSums

that does this.

But you can do it manually. All it clearCheckSums

does is nullify the MD5SUM

table column databasechangelog


So something like:

update databasechangelog set md5sum=null where filename like '%db.changelog-next.xml';


must work.

(I have not tested this SQL. This is just an example - so make sure it works in your development db before applying this in your production database.)



If you are using the Maven plugin for Liquibase you might have something like this in your pom.xml file where you use clearCheckSum as a parameter for each execution (you can split the files like I did here):

                    <!--NOTE: clearCheckSums=true attribute will make the changesets run only once.
                        The runOnChange attribute added to changesets will not work as originally intended.-->



You can always use parameterized build with Maven by adding default values:





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