Paper_Trail: show difference between versions

I am new to Rails ... using RubyMine as IDE.

I have a Paper_Trail keeping previous versions of "xoi_qb" data. Currently my view is showing current and previous data as I would like, but I would like to show the difference between the current version of "xoi_qb" and the previous version of "xoi_qb". For example, the current version might be "97" and the previous version might be "94" and I would like to display "XOI +/-: +3". I would like to show this difference and add "+" or "-" based on positive or negative change.

In my model, the Paper Trail is set to create versions like this:

  def get_xoi_qb
    xoi_qb = []
    self.versions.each do |version|
      unless version.reify.nil?
        xoi_qb << version.reify.xoi_qb
    return xoi_qb


And in my HTML set to display versions like this:

  <th>Previous XOI</th>
    <% @quarterback.versions.each do |version| %>
          <td><%= version.reify.xoi_qb %> dated <%= version.created_at %></td>
    <% end %>


Not sure how to show the difference between the two.

Really appreciate the help.


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2 answers

Check out the documentation for different versions from PaperTrail . Specifically, here's where you want to take note:

If you add a text column object_changes to the version table , either during installation using rails, create paper_trail: install --with-changes, or manually, PaperTrail will preserve diff changes (excluding any attributes that PaperTrail ignores) in each update version.

If this behavior is enabled, it is reasonable to just get {| v | [v.created_at, v.changeset]} and then navigate this structure to display the changelog.



I am assuming you have installed the paper_trail gem. You can add the text column object_changes to the version table manually or via migration.

rails g migration AddColumnToVersions
class AddColumnToVersions < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    execute "ALTER TABLE versions ADD object_changes TEXT"


Then restart the server. Create records.

Check the difference between the latest version and the current version



You can get the difference.

Source: - Diffing Versions



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