Angularjs bundles frontend with multiple implementations

I would like to add various interface implementations to the angularjs service, however I cannot find a way to do this. Is there a way to configure the angularjs injector to bind the interface to the implementation? Similar to using other DI frameworks like Ninject or Guice. eg.

var myInterface = function() {
    return {
        func: {}

var impl1 = function() {
    return {
        func: function() {
            console.log("implementation 1");  

var impl2 = function() {
    return {
        func: function() {
            console.log("implementation 2");  

var app = angular.module("app", ["myInterface"]);

app.service("myService1", function(myInterface) {
    myInterface.func();  //should output "implementation 1"

app.service("myService2", function(myInterface) {
    myInterface.func();  //should output "implementation 2"

//I would like to do something as follows, similar to how one would use Ninject for eg
//Assume myInterface, impl1, impl2 are all angular services

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