TSQL filtering by character matching

How to filter out the number of counter hits without creating new custom functions (i.e. you can use built-in functions) for the data?

The requirement is to get rows with column numbers gw appearing the same number of times, or if there is another set of sums, their number must be the same. That is, it could be everything like Sandy, or it could be Don, since he has "1" twice and "2" twice. Voland would not qualify as it is "1" twice, but only "2" once, and so on. You don't want to count "0" at all.

login      gw1 gw2 gw3 gw4 gw5
Peter       1   0   1   0   0
Sandy       1   1   1   1   0
Voland      1   0   1   2   0
Don         1   2   0   1   2


Diserid output:

login      gw1 gw2 gw3 gw4 gw5
Peter       1   0   1   0   0
Sandy       1   1   1   1   0
Don         1   2   0   1   2


The values ​​can be any positive number of times. The values ​​must also be at least double to meet the criteria. So 1 2 3 4 0 is not ok. as each value appears only once. 1 1 0 3 3 is a match.


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3 answers

SQL Fiddle

WITH Cte(login, gw) AS(
    SELECT login, gw1 FROM TestData WHERE gw1 > 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT login, gw2 FROM TestData WHERE gw2 > 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT login, gw3 FROM TestData WHERE gw3 > 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT login, gw4 FROM TestData WHERE gw4 > 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT login, gw5 FROM TestData WHERE gw5 > 0
CteCountByLoginGw AS(
        login, gw, COUNT(*) AS cc
    FROM Cte
    GROUP BY login, gw
CteFinal AS(
    SELECT login
    FROM CteCountByLoginGw c
    GROUP BY login
        MAX(cc) > 1
        AND COUNT(DISTINCT gw) = (
                SELECT COUNT(*) 
                FROM CteCountByLoginGw 
                    c.login = login 
                    AND cc = MAX(c.cc)
FROM CteFinal c
    ON t.login = c.login


First you have a unpivot

table with no inclusions gw

that are 0. Result ( CTE


login      gw
---------- -----------
Peter      1
Sandy      1
Voland     1
Don        1
Sandy      1
Don        2
Peter      1
Sandy      1
Voland     1
Sandy      1
Voland     2
Don        1
Don        2


Then you execute COUNT(*) GROUP BY login, gw

. The result will be ( CteCountByLoginGw


login      gw          cc
---------- ----------- -----------
Don        1           2
Peter      1           2
Sandy      1           4
Voland     1           2
Don        2           2
Voland     2           1


Finally, we get only those login

with max(cc)

more 1

. This is done to eliminate strings like 1,2,3,4,0

. And login

, whose unique is gw

the same max(cc)

. This is done so that the appearance of the column gw

is the same as the others:

login      gw1         gw2         gw3         gw4         gw5
---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Peter      1           0           1           0           0
Sandy      1           1           1           1           0
Don        1           2           0           1           2




I know I'm late to the party, I can't dial as fast as some and I think I arrived 40 minutes late, but since I did I thought I'd share it. My method used univot and pivot to achieve the result:

Select * 
from foobar f1
where exists 
(Select * from
(Select login_, Case when [1] = 0 then null else [1] % 2 end Val1, Case when [2] = 0 then null else [2] % 2 end Val2, 
Case when [3] = 0 then null else [3] % 2 end Val3, Case when [4] = 0 then null else [4] % 2 end Val4, Case when [5] = 0 then null else [5] % 2 end Val5
(Select *
(select * from foobar) src
(value for amount in (gw1, gw2, gw3, gw4, gw5)) unpvt) src2
(count(amount) for value in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])) as pvt) res
Where 0 in (Val1,Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5) and not exists (select * from foobar where 1 in (Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5)) and login_ = f1.login_)


and here is the fiddle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!6/b78f8/1/0



I think this logic is correct, namely

Find lines where there is at least one even number that is equal gws

and not an instance of an odd number gws

. Zeros excluded

Find lines where there is at least one number equal gws

and no instance of one gws

. Zero values ​​are excluded.

Unpivot is used to simplify column-based reasoning gwx

and CTEs are used to prevent repetition.

WITH unpvt AS
    SELECT * 
    FROM MyTable
        for z in (gw1, gw2, gw3, gw4, gw5)
    ) x
grp AS
    SELECT [login], gwvalue, COUNT(gwvalue) gwCount
    FROM unpvt 
    WHERE gwvalue > 0
    GROUP BY [login], gwvalue
FROM MyTable mt
    SELECT 1
    FROM grp g
    WHERE g.[login] = mt.[login]
    AND gwCount > 1
    SELECT 1
    FROM grp g
    WHERE g.[login] = mt.[login]
    AND gwCount = 1


SqlFiddle here



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