F # CSV Parsing for C # Application

I have a C # console application that calls an F # library that does some CSV parsing using a CSVTypeProvider. ( http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Data/reference/fsharp-data-csvprovider.html )

Unfortunately, I'm somewhat new to F #, so I haven't found a way to efficiently pass parsed data from F # to C # as a list of C # objects.

Suppose I have a C # data model:

public class Customer{
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }


Then I want to convert data from a csv type provider to a list of this model:

Extractor extractor = new Extractor();
List<Customer> customers = extractor.Data;


When Extractor is defined as:

module internal FileLoader =
    type = Customers = CsvProvider<"C:\somefilePath", HasHeaders = true>

    let customers = Customers.Load<"C:\someFilePath">

type Extractor() =
    member this.Data = FileLoader.customers.Rows |> Seq.map(fun row -> new Customer(row.ID, row.Name))


From there, I thought I could just import the Datamodel into the f # library and use the map function to map the string values ​​to the C # object, but that doesn't quite seem to work.


I found a solution, but I'm still open to a more elegant one.

I just need to create the class I want in C # (Customer) in the F # library.

type Customer(ID : int, Name : string) =
    member this.ID = ID
    member this.Name = Name


Then I can use the mapping function to convert the strings to client objects and import the client type in C #.


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1 answer

I would define my model class in an F # project so that

type Customer = {id:int;name:string}


then on your map you can

Seq.map(fun row -> {id=row.id;name=row.name})


and revert as IEnumerable to your C # code.



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